
Tips to Sleep Better with Eczema

Tips to Sleep Better with Eczema

Sleep is our respite from the daily grind and our body’s chance to recover after a long and arduous day. But for some people a long and soothing sleep isn’t even possible because of their skin condition called eczema. People with eczema find it difficult to get a full night of sleep because their skin often itches even when they’re trying to rest. Fortunately, there are ways to counter this so if you’re suffering from eczema you can still get a good night’s rest.

Here are five ways to prevent itching at night:

Don’t set your thermostat too high

An eczema flare up often occurs when you’re body is feeling warm so it’s important to set your thermostat to a temperature that is not too hot but not too cold either.

It may take some time and experimentation to see what level of warmth is comfortable enough for you. But if you can find a thermostat that adjusts itself throughout the night then get that and set your thermostat to let the temperature lower gradually.

Wear organic cotton

Pure organic cotton is the best fabric for people with eczema because they’re soft and free from allergens, such as latex, spandex and harsh chemicals, that will let you sleep peacefully throughout the evening.

Wear mittens

Even when you’ve taken every measure to ensure that you won’t itch when you sleep you can’t be too sure that you won’t scratch yourself while you’re in dreamland. In order to avoid scratching your skin wear organic cotton mittens so that you’ll prevent your nails from digging into your skin while you sleep.

Your linens should be hypoallergenic as well

Not only are your clothes supposed to protect your skin from any allergen that could trigger your eczema but the sheets you’ll be sleeping in should be hypoallergenic as well. Some people can easily trigger their eczema if their linens are made with rough fabric or synthetic ones so opt to sleep in pure organic cotton sheets for that extra comfort.

Change your evening habits

When you’re about to sleep there are some things you can do, or avoid doing, to help you sleep better. Take a short warm shower before you sleep to soothe your skin and apply moisturizer to it to ensure that your skin won’t dry up while you sleep. You can also use meditation to soothe your body further so that your stress levels will go down to its lowest point before you go to sleep.

If that’s not enough help your body really settle into sleep mode by avoiding caffeine, sodas, cigarettes and even heavy meals. Also, turn off all your electronic gadgets before you sleep because any noise coming from these items can disrupt your sleep and the light that comes from tablets, cell phones, TVs and computer screens can disrupt your sleep as well. If you’re suffering from eczema chances are you’re having a hard time trying to sleep every night but with the suggestions above you might be able to finally drift off to dreamland.

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How to Relieve that Itch Without Scratching

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