Voices of Relief

Cottonique socks let my feet beathe

I love the Cottonique socks. I've always been big on wearing cotton fabric, For a person that has sensitive skin, i's the best and most natural material. Allows my skin to breath! - I Li Check out ...

Cottonique made me feel feminine again!

For several years I had been unable to wear any bras for longer than a few hours without coming out in wheals and a rash. Allergy testing at the hospital proved non specific, although I was allergi...

Thank you for having latex free products!!

My daughter had a severe allergic reaction to a substance that had latex in it so she needed to rule out all latex! She had a hard time finding socks and hair products that contained no latex until...

I’m finally free from chafing and rashes

Comfort is how this product has changed my life. I'm now free from chafing and rashes. Finally I can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I am free of chemical's and dyes that would irritate my sk...

I no longer have eczema on my legs

My skin is much more prone to break-outs if I wear synthetic clothing. Even a small percentage of synthetic in the fabric make-up often leads to skin issues for me. It was very hard to find 100% c...

Cottonique made construction work bearable

Always have sock rash from working construction.... Switched to 100% cottton socks and problem has vanished. -Jason Check out our Latex-Free Socks!