Developing Allergies Later in Life


When allergies is the topic of discussion most of us think of kids and how grateful we are that some of us outgrew it or never even had it growing up.

But what if you develop an allergy when you’re already in your 50s, 60s or even late 70s?

Because like it or not, there is a growing number of people who have never encountered any allergic reactions when they were younger only to develop some when they’ve reached their 50s or even the twilight years of their lives.

And you may be one of them.

You’re fine until you’re not

Allergists are saying that even though you went through your childhood without any allergies it doesn’t necessarily mean that you won’t develop one once you grow older.

Dr. Neil Kao, an allergist working at Allergic Disease and Asthma Centre in Greenville, SC, says that we should not limit our thinking on allergies as something that only kids get.

Our bodies continually change and though some of us had the benefit of not getting any allergies as a child there’s a chance that our immune system would change once we grow up and make us susceptible to allergens.

Dr. Kao admits that up to this day most doctors haven’t figured out why some people develop allergies later in life when they have never had any allergic reaction to any substance while they were younger.

He adds that one of the possible reasons for developing allergies later in life is genetics. If your family has a history of allergies then chances are high that you might develop one when you grow older.

But there’s a glimmer of hope for those who want to avoid getting allergies later in life. According to scientists, some people who were exposed to allergens earlier in their lives, such as the fur from cats, were able to avoid developing allergies from these allergens when they got older.

Although, Dr. Kao said that further research is needed to prove that exposing yourself to allergens when you’re younger will indeed be effective in fighting off against allergies later in life.

In any case, once you get allergies in your 50s upwards the best thing to do is to go see a doctor and have yourself checked.

Even though it’s very annoying to get a debilitating allergy when you’re older there are many ways to counter this so that you won’t have to suffer through it regularly.

Get some medication

Pharmaceutical companies have come a long way in their battle against ailments and allergies are definitely one of the hurdles they’ve conquered.

One of the reasons why some people are hesitant in taking any medication for their allergies is because they don’t want the drowsy sensation that comes from a lot of anti-allergy medicines.

If you’re a kid then it’s perfectly fine to feel sleepy after taking in your anti-allergy meds. In fact, it would even be a welcomed effect especially when you’re stuck in class listening to a boring lecture on arthropods.

But if you’re an adult and you’re trying to meet a deadline the last thing you need is to feel sluggish.

Fortunately, pharmaceutical companies have developed drugs without sedatives, which are perfect for those with a hectic schedule – just like most adults.

Choose what you wear wisely

Allergies aren’t limited to things you breathe in or eat; some people are allergic to the stuff they wear and if you’re one of these people you should immediately have yourself checked to see if you’re allergic to some materials that are often found in clothes.

Some people may develop allergies to materials such as latex, spandex and formaldehyde, which are often found in clothes, even in designer brands, so you should be careful in choosing which clothes to wear.

Fortunately, there are clothes now that do not incorporate these materials into its fabric so you won’t have to worry about getting rashes, hives or any other itchy allergies.

Getting allergies when you’re older can happen to anyone, even you, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to suffer through it.

As long as you know what you’re allergic to you can steer clear of those allergens, and as long as you’re taking the right kind of medication it’ll be easier for you to manage your allergies.

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