
5 Useful Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating this Halloween
allergic contact dermatitis

5 Useful Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating this Halloween

What’s scarier than witches and skeleton figures? For people with skin allergies and sensitivities, it's the flare-ups on Halloween.

facts about latexWhy Doctors Recommend 100% Cotton Underwear for Allergies

Why Doctors Recommend 100% Cotton Underwear for Allergies

Do you sometimes experience something weird going on down there? Like an itch that stays for quite some time? Before you go crazy worrying about what medical condition you may be suffering from, h...

dangers of latex8 Important Facts about the Dangers of Latex Material

8 Important Facts about the Dangers of Latex Material

Most people think that latex is just another material for clothes but unfortunately, it is also one of the most common causes for clothing related allergies. Here are important facts about latex an...