
6 Useful Tips to Successful Breastfeeding for Nursing Moms
allergic reaction

6 Useful Tips to Successful Breastfeeding for Nursing Moms

Some mothers develop contact dermatitis in their breasts during the early weeks of breastfeeding as their bodies adapt to frequent contact with a baby’s mouth. Oftentimes, women use pumping bras th...

psoriasisStudy: Poor Sleep Common in Psoriasis

Study: Poor Sleep Common in Psoriasis

A study published in the British Journal of Dermatology confirms the connection between poor sleep and psoriasis. The study revealed that people with psoriasis tend to have more problems sleeping t...

anaphylactic shockA Guide to Helping Friends with Allergies (Part 1)

A Guide to Helping Friends with Allergies (Part 1)

There is a rise in the number of people with severe allergies and chances are you might have a friend or two who is suffering from a debilitating condition. You might even have a family member who...