Mother’s Day is here once more and for new mothers out there this day is a monumental event in their lives. Every new mom is going through a plethora of emotions; from giddiness to utter exhaustion every new mom is going to feel like motherhood is a huge roller coaster ride of emotions.
That is why everyone around the world celebrates this day to honour one of the greatest unsung heroes in our lives and what better way to celebrate it than to provide these new mothers one day of total relaxation.
New moms need to relax too
Becoming a new mother can be very daunting since no woman is quite ready for the task. Even those who have babysat toddlers when they were younger would agree that becoming a new mother is an entirely different thing. Becoming responsible for another human being is quite a task to take on and no matter how much advice a new mom has heard getting right into the thick of the situation is something no one is ever really prepared for.
Even sleep will become a luxury for most new mothers since they will often have to be at their baby’s beck and call whenever they need to be fed, cuddled or have their diapers changed. There is also that feeling of self-doubt for a new mom since she’s new to this sort of thing. Even when she’s followed all the suggestions provided by every baby book on Earth a new mother will still hear that voice in the back of her head telling her that she might not be feeding her baby enough, she might not be carrying her baby the right way or she might not be good enough to be a mom.
But new moms shouldn’t fret because this is quite normal and caring for a newborn child, especially if it’s for the first time, will indeed be a lot like travelling a dark and lonely road with no map and no light to guide you through. For some new mothers even the unthinkable can happen and that is not to feel any kind of love for their newborn baby. Some new mothers are overwhelmed by the reality of having to take care of a baby that they can’t appreciate the little bundle of joy that’s supposed to be their source of happiness. But the exhausting task of caring for a newborn can really dampen a mother’s emotional attachment to her child and she should not feel guilty for feeling this way.
Experts say that it’s quite normal if a new mom doesn’t feel any love for her newborn right away. It could stem from the exhausting experience of caring for a new baby or it could even stem from a serious disorder called postpartum depression. If a new mom is experiencing the latter it’s best for her to seek medical assistance right away because no amount of emotional support can shake her from her momentary gloomy disposition. It’s natural for women to feel these emotions when they have just given birth to their new baby and there are many ways to alleviate the stress from caring for a newborn.
One way to relieve stress is to try and contain the chaos by doing little things that can make the new mom happy. One new mom recounts that when she gave birth to her newborn she had long hair, which she loved dearly. But when her baby was out she realized that having long hair can be troublesome since it takes her a long time to dry it out after a bath. So she decided to cut it short and after that it became easier to manage. Sure she misses her long hair but at least it doesn’t take her ages to get ready to leave the house and her baby can’t mess up her do because it’s too short.
Some new moms realize that a little bit of mess is okay if it means getting a few minutes of “me” time. When a newborn comes home it will only take a few days for the whole house to start looking like a maze of baby things and for those couples who were once adamant about keeping their home clean as a dog’s tooth they’ll soon start lowering their standards and leave some spots messy. For new moms this is okay as long as the clutter doesn’t end up attracting too much dirt, dust and venues for bacteria to grow because trying to clean a whole house with a newborn in tow can be exhausting. Another thing that new moms can do to make their lives easier is to wear more comfortable clothes and do away with their fashionable outfits at least for the time being.
Organic cotton clothes are one of the most comfortable outfits suitable for new moms. They’re breathable and gentle to the skin so even if you’re stressed out the sensation of wearing something soft can alleviate your discomfort effectively. Comfort is the key for a new mom to handle the stress of taking care of a newborn. So for all the new mothers out there, though your baby is your first priority, be sure to take care of yourself as well.
Happy Mother’s Day!
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