
Clothing Allergy: 5 Reasons, 7 Symptoms, and 6 Ways to Control
clothing allergy

Clothing Allergy: 5 Reasons, 7 Symptoms, and 6 Ways to Control

Clothing allergy or textile contact dermatitis is common for many.  However, the cause of such skin condition is not actually brought about by the clothes we wear but rather due to the materials a...

clothing allergy4 Facts about Textile Contact Dermatitis

4 Facts about Textile Contact Dermatitis

Textile contact dermatitis or clothing dermatitis is described as skin manifestations or an irritation which is caused by wearing clothing or fabrics that come in contact with the skin.

allergic contact dermatitisYou Could be Wearing Toxic Clothing and You Don't Know It

You Could be Wearing Toxic Clothing and You Don't Know It

We are aware of the toxins in pesticides that make their way to our food, but the chemicals in our clothes are rarely thought of as a concern. Despite our measures to avoid chemically-sprayed foods...