Formaldehyd, auch Methanal genannt, ist eine organische Verbindung, die natürlich vorkommt. Formaldehyd kann im Vergleich zu anderen einfachen Kohlenstoffverbindungen als etwas komplizierter beschrieben werden, da es zahlreiche verschiedene Formen annehmen kann. Die häufigste Form ist Gas. In dieser Form ist Formaldehyd brennbar und hat einen starken Geruch.


Darstellung eines giftigen und schädlichen Formaldehyds im Labor

Formaldehyd findet sich in Harzen für Verbundholzprodukte (Spanplatten, Hartholzsperrholz und mitteldichte Faserplatten), Haushaltsgegenständen (Farben, Lacke, Beschichtungen, Klebstoffe und Dauerpressstoffe), Pestiziden oder Düngemitteln sowie in Verbraucher- und Kosmetikprodukten wie Stoffen Weichspüler und Geschirrspülmittel als Konservierungsmittel.

Diese Verbindung kommt auch in Kleidung vor, da sie zur Vorbeugung von Falten und Schimmel eingesetzt wird. Es kann bei der Konservierung von Kleidungsmaterialien sehr nützlich sein, da es auch die Fleckenbeständigkeit und Farbechtheit erhöhen kann. Leider kann das Vorhandensein von Formaldehyd in der Kleidung für Menschen zu Problemen führen.


Hautreizungen nach Kontakt mit mit Formaldehyd behandelter Kleidung

Hier sind einige Gründe, warum Formaldehyd nicht so gut ist, wie es scheint:

1. Formaldehyd gilt in verschiedenen Ländern als giftig

Formaldehyd gilt laut der Internationalen Agentur für Krebsforschung als krebserregend für den Menschen. Länder wie die USA und Kanada haben dieses Material als giftig eingestuft.

2. Untersuchungen belegen die mit Formaldehyd verbundenen Gefahren

Eine kürzlich von der US-Umweltschutzbehörde durchgeführte Studie hat ergeben, dass die höchsten Mengen an Formaldehyd in der Luft nachgewiesen werden können, das häufig aus beliebten Konsumgütern wie Baumaterialien und Einrichtungsgegenständen sowie in Reinigungsmitteln freigesetzt wird.

Eine Person, die Formaldehyd in der Luft ausgesetzt ist, kann unter Atemwegsbeschwerden wie Brustschmerzen, Bronchitis, Husten und pfeifender Atmung leiden.

3. Bei manchen Menschen ist eine Empfindlichkeit gegenüber dieser Kohlenstoffverbindung bekannt

Menschen, die extrem empfindlich auf Formaldehyd reagieren, werden bereits bei geringer Belastung unangenehme Nebenwirkungen verspüren. Patienten haben über Dermatitis (Hautausschlag oder Hautreizung) und laufende Nase oder Kopfschmerzen berichtet, wenn sie mit Produkten in Kontakt kamen, die Formaldehyd enthalten.

Geringe Mengen oder eine minimale Formaldehyd-Exposition sind möglicherweise nicht so riskant oder giftig, aber bei hochempfindlichen Personen kann es zu einer Reihe von Nebenwirkungen kommen, die sehr schwerwiegend oder in extremen Fällen sogar schwächend sein können.

Das Vorhandensein von Formaldehyd in anderen Gegenständen als Kleidung kann für Menschen, die generell empfindlich auf Chemikalien reagieren, sehr problematisch sein, da sie höchstwahrscheinlich stärker unter der Belastung leiden.

4. Negative Auswirkungen im Allgemeinen

Es ist bekannt, dass Formaldehyd gesundheitsschädlich ist, selbst wenn man nicht wirklich allergisch auf die Verbindung reagiert. Es kann zu Reizungen der Haut, des Rachens, der Augen und der Nase führen. Bei einigen Patienten kann eine längere Exposition sogar zu bestimmten Krebsarten führen.

5. Langzeiteffekte

Eine übermäßige Exposition gegenüber dieser Verbindung kann insbesondere bei hochempfindlichen Patienten zu weitaus schwerwiegenderen Komplikationen führen. Zu Beginn können bei den Patienten möglicherweise grippeähnliche Symptome auftreten, doch wenn die Erkrankung nicht sofort behandelt wird, kann es zu einem Schock oder sogar Schlaganfall kommen.

Chronischer oder längerer Kontakt mit Formaldehyd durch Einatmen kann ebenfalls schwerwiegende Nebenwirkungen wie Lungenläsionen sowie Atembeschwerden hervorrufen, die zu langfristigen Lungenschäden führen können.

6. Vor- und Nachteile von Kleidung

Formaldehyd spielt in der Bekleidungsindustrie eine große Rolle, da es zur Vorbeugung von Schimmel beim Transport und zur Minimierung von Falten eingesetzt werden kann. Eine beträchtliche Anzahl von Verbrauchern berichtet jedoch von Kopfschmerzen und Halsschmerzen, wenn sie neue Kleidung tragen, ohne sie zu waschen.

In diesem Fall lässt sich die Belastung durch Formaldehyd am besten minimieren, indem Sie Ihre neue Kleidung kurz in der Waschmaschine schleudern, um Spuren des Stoffes zu entfernen.

7. Gefahren für Kinder

Kinder, die möglicherweise über einen längeren Zeitraum Formaldehyd ausgesetzt waren, entwickeln wahrscheinlich Asthma oder andere ähnliche Erkrankungen.

Kleidungsstücke mit übermäßigem Formaldehydgehalt sind insbesondere für Kinder aufgrund ihrer empfindlichen Haut schädlich. Ständiger Kontakt mit solchen Kleidungsstücken führt zu Dermatitis und anderen ähnlichen Hauterkrankungen.


  • Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, neue Kleidung zu waschen, anstatt sie sofort zu tragen. Durch diese Vorsichtsmaßnahme werden etwa 60 % des Formaldehyds aus der Kleidung entfernt, was für Menschen mit überempfindlicher Haut eine gute Nachricht ist.
  • Riechen Sie zuerst an der Kleidung, um zu prüfen, ob sie zu viel chemischen Geruch verströmt.
  • Vermeiden Sie Artikel mit der Aufschrift „bügelfrei“, „knitterfrei“, „schmutzabweisend“ oder „permanent bügelbar“, da die Wahrscheinlichkeit groß ist, dass sie Formaldehyd enthalten.

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November 10, 2016 — Contributor Maria M



We went on a Memorial Day picnic plates and napkins in the American flag design, from Walmart. My nose started itching at first then intensely itching then burning inside and out, then my boyfriends and my noses started running. It finally occurred to me it may be some chemical in these napkins?! We started using a towel I’d brought instead and the burning pain subsided. But my nose kept running and I got done congestion in my throat after the picnic. 7 hours later I have a headache and coldtime feeling in my sinuses and behind my eyes. So I googled this. I hope symptoms go away. It sounds like formaldehyde from these comments.

Tyler Douglas:

I work a 9-5 desk job, and because the seat is so hard, I usually keep a rag up in there. Is there Formaldehyde in washcloths?

Please reply in email at


Does anyone know of any group advocating to get rid of formaldehyde in our clothing, especially bras and underwear??

ALice D:

I had a severe allergic reaction to this chemical!! Severe and painful for almost 6 weeks now. Two rounds of very strong antibiotics and a strong creme. Painful and I have never been allergic to anything. It is a real concern. I now wash everything I wear or sleep on! Bought a pair of Michael Kors pants and wore before wearing. Dye wire off on my skin and then the rash started. Horrible. Almost put in hospital!


John Smith- I have spent the last month in the most physical distress I have ever experienced. Childbirth was an easier experience. I purchased a cashmere turtleneck and wore it prior to washing. I left the house and went to an appointment. I develeped allergic contact dermatitis which took over my life. The itchiness was unbearable. Maybe as you say it takes a larger amount to cause cancer, but do not dismiss the effects of formaldehyde out of hand. I am 52 years old and have never had any allergic reactions prior to this. I am 4 weeks into this ordeal. I am still a bit itchy though nowhere near as bad. My skin is thick and has redscaly patches. I think it will take at least another month for my skin to recover.

Anna Nim:

I just love the people on here who say this Can’t Be True. Fk ya’ll.. just because YOU have no issue, doesn’t mean others don’t.. I am shocked. I thought it was just in new sheets and washed out the first time or two. I had NO idea it was long lasting!!!

Gita Endore:

I used to buy Old Navy jeans. Sturdy and inexpensive. Now they have formaldehyde in them. I washed a pair 5 times and put it in the sun and left in in a plastic tub with baking soda, borax and vinegar- all internet suggestions. I took it back to the store. They were reluctant (understatement) to take them back until I showed them a commentary from a gal who worked in Old Navy and had to wash the formaldehyde off her hands every night after work.

I have tried Levis and now LL Bean. Same problem. Don’t know where I’m going to find more jeans which I wear daily.

Lorrie :

I have sensitive skin and am highly allergic to pretty much everything in nature. I recently discovered that I am allergic to the formaldehyde (and likely other additives) in clothes specifically from Walmart. I was a huge fan of their tank tops (they sell for $1.68) and wore them under everything, to bed, to my detriment. After eventually breaking out in lesions, I started steaming my clothes to my horror. It all came together when a cashier had to call a supervisor to ring up clothing purchases due to her allergy. I understand that products from China are shipped, warehoused, and cheap. It never occurred to me that formaldehyde, stain resistance, mildew resistance, pesticides, and chemicals for wrinkle free went into the mix. I remember using Dreft on baby clothes- why stop now?! I just wish there were standards, limitations, and more general knowledge like this so we as consumers can make educated choices and minimize risk. Thanks so much!

Charlotte Stowe:

I react very badly to clothing from China, intense itching, needle-prick sensations and skin crawling. I’m constantly being told it’s just an allergy to Formaldehyde. I’m convinced there is something in the cotton. Please have a look at my YouTube clip, type in Morgellons bird mites body bugs
You’ll see what I mean
Charlotte Stowe


John Smith — Commercial formaldehyde is produced principally by the vapour-phase oxidation of methanol and is commonly sold as Formalin — a straight-out petrochemical with major health risks. There is not enough naturally occurring formaldehyde, much less ways to capture it, to use for all the things discussed above.

Vivian M Swenson:

After searching how to get rid of smells in new clothes, I find that it may not have been just “scents” which I have blamed the past few years for my new allergies. I got new appliances that still “stink” after 9 mos. I had gotten some new sheets (from India) that stink much like the appliances. Unfortunately none of the suggestions for removing the smell from clothe works on the appliances. I feel ANY item that has been treated with formaldehyde should have warning in bold letters placed on the item. I had no idea that my breathing problems were caused by these smells.

Pitt Chao:

Formaldehyde Emission Climate Test Chamber(TU350) applies for the measurement of formaldehyde emission in a man-made board, compound wood floor, carpet, carpet liner, carpet adhesive, and other indoor decorating materials. It can also process wood and man-made board with constant temperature and humidity technology. Other harmful gas from construction materials can also be detected as well. It might provide you with some help.

Joan LangleyJomy Mes:

My message should have red i developed an allergy due to formaldehyde

Joan Langley:

I developed an all3 after taking possession of a new fiat car three years ago and have just discovered all the illnesses I’ve had is due to formaldehyde in the interior .i will never recover .

mark b:

I have a high sensitivity to toxic chemicals. Carpet fumes are the worst, and this is closely followed by new clothes, even paint fumes are less bad. I’ve read it’s mainly formaldehyde and also pesticides, I don’t know for sure. I’m interested, John Smith, if its true formaldehyde is simply something natural in the human body and apples. None of this is rocket science, over-exposure to chemicals we’re not particularly evolved to deal with, petrochemicals for example (natural but not something we would naturally interact with) , makes a minority of people like me immediately ill, and we’re the canaries that sound the warning for people with stronger constitutions who get cancer or some other illness after a lifetime of exposure to toxins in furniture, clothes, painting and decoration etc. I I imagine people who constantly buy new clothes, redecorate and buy new furnishings are at higher risk. It’s also scary the amount of toxic chemical crap in children’s clothes and toys which are replaced very often. I’m sure a John Smith around 1500 argued that lead free make-up was unnecessary because lead was simply a natural product .


I had the same problem with M & S chinos as Angie. Contact dermatitis on lower legs, caused almost certainly by formaldehyde in the trousers. I’ve never had any problem with new clothing before, but will always wash any new trousers now before I wear them.


Hi Monna😊
Could you put the 7 reasons or put the links where you found Information?
I knew about Johnson & Johnson but not the clothes.
Thanks in advance 😊

Monna Ellithorpe:

Hello and thank you for this article. I’ve just come to notice this odor in the last few months. I bought a new shirt and didn’t wash it before I wore it. No problems, no smell or anything. I wore it a couple of times and threw it in the laundry hamper. I washed all of the clothes in the basket and noticed this terrible sickening odor (very close to causing emesis). I still didn’t realize what was causing it but I washed that same load of clothes about 6 times with vinegar, double rinsing, extra detergent and even went to my daughters to use another washer.

I narrowed it down to the one shirt and threw it out on the patio (which I believe is still there). I ended up throwing away all of the other clothes that I had washed with it.

I decide to stop into my favorite store yesterday where I get the larger sizes and I was almost knocked down by the same odor that I had with that shirt. Again, I didn’t think too much about it and didn’t connect the two (I’m dense sometimes). I went into the dressing room to try on the clothes I had picked out and started coughing and gagging and sweating. I had tried on 2 pair of paints and decided not to get them. I bought a shirt and the smell was still with me.

The shirt is still closed up in the store bag and I’ll be taking the shirt back to the store and probably wear one of those white masks when I do. I don’t remember ever being so sensitive to anything like this but I’ve developed quite a few allergies as I’ve gotten older and this is another one I’ll have to find a way around.


Nice article. It gives good information of the use of formaldehyde. Good read. Keep posting such articles.

living example:

ok John Smith, the writer isnt trying to scare people about the truth. you must be one of these terrible people that own a slave factory in China that produces this crappy ass clothes. I bet you won’t wear it. only poor people can afford this crap. this article is 100% true. Mr John Smith show me your statistics

Dave Hunter :

John Smith, formaldehyde is added to clothing made in foreign countries to prevent the clothes getting moldy during shipping. People who never had reactions to clothing made in the US have reactions (even just from walking through a store) to the formaldehyde in clothing, as well as toxic chemicals in dyes and plastics, latex, and spandex. I myself have had many reactions (including inability to take a good breath) after being exposed to current clothing which comes from China, Bangladesh, etc. Why would these people even have a business at all unless consumers needed their products? Suggesting they’re attempting to scare people into buying their clothing is absurd.

John Smith:

stop perpetrating false information and provoking fear into consumers in order to help sell t-shirts. the amount of formaldehyde required to have any long term effect or cause cancer is insignificantly huge not what one gets with a t-shirt. And over 90% of formaldehyde is produced naturally whether its through the use of amino acids in the human body or produced naturally by fruit such apples.

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