
Naturally Healthy: Tips for Allergy Friendly Fitness
exercising with allergies

Naturally Healthy: Tips for Allergy Friendly Fitness

Going to the gym may be challenging for people with allergies, but it should not stop you from keeping yourself fit and doing the things you love. Guest blogger and health coach, Izennah Hogan of N...

organic cottonWhy Organic Cotton?

Why Organic Cotton?

Organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic pesticides or fertilizers. Wearing organic cotton clothing is not only good for the environment, but also for the skin. It's hypoallergenic, and can...

psoriasisSkin Check: Is It Psoriasis or Something Else

Skin Check: Is It Psoriasis or Something Else

When you have an ongoing skin irritation, seeing the doctor to get a correct diagnosis as soon as possible is key to totally getting rid of it, or if in any case it turned out to be an allergy, a c...

sustainable development#InternationalDayOfFamilies: Achieving Sustainable Development

#InternationalDayOfFamilies: Achieving Sustainable Development

The International Day of Families is an annual celebration organized by the United Nations every 15th of May, and it focuses on the importance of family in the development of the society. For this ...

children with eczemaHelp Your Child Sleep Through Eczema

Help Your Child Sleep Through Eczema

When you have a child with eczema sleeping throughout the night without disruption seems almost impossible. Many parents blame the itchiness of this skin condition for their child’s erratic sleep p...

washing organic cottonHow to Protect Your Hypoallergenic Clothes

How to Protect Your Hypoallergenic Clothes

Washing and keeping your pure organic cotton clothes is important, especially if you rely on them to protect your overly sensitive skin. Here, we list some tips on how to protect your hypoallergeni...