
5 Useful Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating this Halloween
allergic contact dermatitis

5 Useful Tips for Safe Trick-or-Treating this Halloween

What’s scarier than witches and skeleton figures? For people with skin allergies and sensitivities, it's the flare-ups on Halloween.

allergy preparedness4 Ways to Cope with the Emotional Impact of Eczema

4 Ways to Cope with the Emotional Impact of Eczema

Understanding the relationship between eczema and mental health can help manage your symptoms better. If you're one of the many people who struggle with the emotional impacts of eczema, try these 4...

allergic reaction4 Comfortable Socks You Need for the Sensitive Feet

4 Comfortable Socks You Need for the Sensitive Feet

Socks are an important wardrobe piece that everyone should have. They cushion the feet and help maintain warmth, but not all of them possess the right features to ultimately prevent blisters and i...

allergy preparedness4 Top Petroleum-Based Fabrics You Should Avoid

4 Top Petroleum-Based Fabrics You Should Avoid

Just like their different styles, clothes nowadays are made from a variety of different materials due to advancements in technology. However, the environmental impacts of these inventive processes ...

allergic reaction5 Tips to Reduce Your Risks of Skin Cancer

5 Tips to Reduce Your Risks of Skin Cancer

Along with the start of a warmer breeze comes the people’s excitement to bask under the cloudless sky to achieve that long-sought tan. However, harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun can penetrate t...

allergic reaction5 Simple Ways to Avoid Latex Allergy Amid the Pandemic

5 Simple Ways to Avoid Latex Allergy Amid the Pandemic

People with skin allergies have to double the caution in doing outdoor activities than before.