
Several years ago I developed multiple severe allergies. I didn't know at the time what it was so I went to a lot of doctors and all they did was send me home with new creams for dermatitis. I begged for them to allergy test me and they just told me it was stress and dermatitis. I did my own research and made my own appointment with an allergist and my life changed forever. I have allergies to formaldehyde, fabric dyes and anything elastic to name a few.

Cottonique is the only company that I can trust when they say they are organic and 100% cotton. I can buy their items knowing they will not bother my sensitive skin. I'm slowly building up a collection of their items in my everyday clothes and undergarments. I'm so thankful for this company.


Shop now at Cottonique Store!

October 03, 2017 — Admin Cottonique

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