Skin Conditions Greatly Affect Women Psychologically

Skin Conditions Greatly Affect Women Psychologically

A study that was published in the European Journal of Dermatology, revealed that women are more severely impacted psychologically by skin conditions than men. The researchers determined that if they administer questionnaires to assess a patient’s possible anxiety and depression levels, they could pinpoint who might benefit for psychological counseling.

January 12, 2019 — Admin Cottonique
Managing Your Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Managing Your Hidradenitis Suppurativa

One of the most debilitating skin conditions in existence right now is hidradenitis suppurativa. This condition is a chronic inflammation of the intertriginous skin of the axillary, inguinal, inframammary, genital, and perineal areas of the body. The lumps that appear on the person’s skin are often painful and when they break out the pus that comes out send off a powerful odor that is often embarrassing for the person.


October 15, 2018 — Admin Cottonique