Another Good Reason to Go with Organic Cotton

Another Good Reason to Go with Organic Cotton

Since the advent of organic cotton so many reports have attested to the benefits of purchasing this fabric. Not only is it safe to people’s skin but it is also lauded by environmentalists because of how environmentally safe this material is. Experts have said that textile companies are contributing regularly to the pollution of our oceans all because the fabric they use has micro-plastics in them that often end up in our seas and oceans.


September 12, 2018 — Admin Cottonique
When Summer is Your Worst Enemy

When Summer is Your Worst Enemy

Summer is the best time to be out and about, but for people with the following skin conditions hanging out at the beach can be more of a troublesome experience than having some fun under the sun.

For the New Mothers Out There

For the New Mothers Out There

Mother’s Day is here once more and for new mothers out there this day is a monumental event in their lives. Every new mom is going through a plethora of emotions; from giddiness to utter exhaustion every new mom is going to feel like motherhood is a huge roller coaster ride of emotions.


May 11, 2018 — Admin Cottonique
Organic Cotton Farming is Indeed Eco-friendly

Organic Cotton Farming is Indeed Eco-friendly

Earth Day is upon us once more and people across the globe are doing their part to minimize our carbon footprint and essentially make the world a better place to live in. Unbeknownst to many even the clothing industry is a large contributor to the pollution that’s been plaguing our planet for years but some members of this industry are trying to fix this mishap little by little.


April 16, 2018 — Admin Cottonique
Pets and Allergies: The Myth Behind It

Pets and Allergies: The Myth Behind It

We all know that a man’s best friend is the dog and for thousands of years this has been proven time and time again without fail. Many dog owners would attest to the fact that their dogs have done wondrous deeds for the sake of their human family. From saving a child from drowning or barking for help when an elderly dog owner suddenly gets a stroke, dogs all over the world have proven that their love for their human counterparts is without limit.


March 07, 2018 — Admin Cottonique
An Industry Working to Solve a Global Problem

An Industry Working to Solve a Global Problem

To say that pollution is the biggest threat to the environment is to say that the sky is blue. It’s obvious and almost everyone would agree to that. The smoke that comes from our vehicles to the trash we dump in the ocean are just some of the culprits in the furthering decay of our planet and we owe it to the coming generations to find a way to clean our only home.


February 21, 2018 — Admin Cottonique
Antihistamines Could Be Drying Your Skin

Antihistamines Could Be Drying Your Skin

People with allergies have come to love that trusty medicine, antihistamine, to rid their selves of those nasty allergic reactions.  Every time a person’s nose starts to get stuffy or his/her skin starts to itch his/her go-to response is to pop an antihistamine and go on with their day. 

But some people are starting to experience the side effect of popping one too many antihistamines and though it helps to curb that allergic reaction the downside to this medicine is dry skin.

January 16, 2018 — Admin Cottonique
Changing Your Diet Can Help Cure Eczema

Changing Your Diet Can Help Cure Eczema


A woman who’s been battling a skin allergy called eczema may have found a cure to her debilitating condition. Claire Sampson, 32, has been suffering from inflamed eczema, which leaves her skin itchy and red and sometimes it peels off, which has been a source of embarrassment for her.

December 13, 2017 — Admin Cottonique
Working with Latex Allergy: Latex Allergies Shouldn’t Keep You from Doing Your Job

Working with Latex Allergy: Latex Allergies Shouldn’t Keep You from Doing Your Job

At the risk of stating the obvious, holding down a nine-to-five job is every bit a necessity for most people. Sure there are some people who have the luxury of being eternally wealthy due to a large inheritance. There are also those who have the good fortune of hitting it big due to one monumentally lucrative idea (here’s looking at you Mark Zuckerberg).

October 04, 2017 — Admin Cottonique

Developing Allergies Later in Life

  When allergies is the topic of discussion most of us think of kids and how grateful we are that some of us outgrew it or never even had it...
August 21, 2017 — Admin Cottonique
Should you Wear Underwear to Bed (or Not)?

Should you Wear Underwear to Bed (or Not)?

Most people don’t think that buying the right underwear is as important as wearing them. Especially when it’s time to go to bed most people don’t think that they should have to put some effort into choosing which underwear to put on because to them it doesn’t really matter.

July 26, 2017 — Admin Cottonique
Organic Clothing Pricing, Caring and Storing

Organic Clothing Pricing, Caring and Storing

Clothes that are made of organic cotton are becoming popular because of numerous advantages it offers. For one, organic cotton is better for your skin’s health because it lacks chemicals that have been proven to be harmful to a person’s skin. Also, apparel that has organic cotton is beneficial to the environment as well.

July 12, 2017 — Admin Cottonique